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Delusion and responsibility in making a choice, at a time of excess information

The abundance of facts, information and stimuli that "runs" in our daily life gives us the possibility of immediate information and updating on everything that we are -or not- concerned about and which are crucial elements of our shaped reality.

This access to information enables us to choose the tools, in order so that we can shape our moral substance, setting for ourselves the sign of the outcome, the consequences of its use and ultimately on the character and personality that each one will express through it.

By observing society and the views that are expressed arises the question of whether our exposure to this large volume of information has the potential to lead us towards our personal progress, taking us away from the chains of ignorance or, on the other hand, whether it is capable of reinforcing our dependence from them, sinking us into deeper darkness.

In fact there cannot be a universal view of the issue and the extraction of a unique or absolute conclusion on it. Claiming that as a result of over-information delusion arises and that ultimately our exposure to a variety and multiplicity of information is a negative thing, would be an unfair injustice regarding the tremendous achievements of progress that have been made in our lives and in mankind in general as a result of the immediacy and access to knowledge.

The individual is able to determine the results that will occur in life and temperament despite the ‘’flooding’’ of large volumes of information and in this the degree of development of the consciousness will play an important role. More specifically, realizing the above, he will understand that he is able to filter and use at will all of the achievements rather than being used by them.

"Freedom means responsibility", says the Nobel Prize winner, Irish author, George Bernard Shaw. Every human being is therefore free and responsible in choosing what he receives. The person is at the same time accountable to that which he gives back, for the formation of the society and a better world. Perhaps that is why the author's speech goes on to state that this responsibility "[...] many people have it are afraid of'. But the result of the attitude of each one of us - with courage or fear - is also our legacy to future generations. In what relevant in terms choice for the societies that we deliver to future generations, "Man is the measure of all things", as suggested by the founder and principal theorist of the Surrealist movement, Frenchman writer, André Breton.

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